✰ 22-03-2005 ~ 27-12-2019
Today you did the bravest thing, today you set me free. Thank you for showing me the ultimate dignity. I'm sorry that my leaving has broken your kind heart. But we knew this day would come, the day we had to part. Don't think I did not hear every last word you said. Don't think I did not feel, your trembling hand touch my head. Today you did the bravest thing, today you set me free. Thank you for a wonderful life, thank you for loving me ❤ Vrijdag 27 december 2019 om 17.05u is onze lieve Fluke op ruim 14 jarige leeftijd thuis ingeslapen, in zijn gedachten was hij nog een jonge pup, maar zijn lichaam was echt helemaal op. Nu ben je weer samen met je vriendinnetje Sennah
Rust zacht lieve teddybeer, welterusten lieve Fluke, slaap lekker vriendje, lekker slaapjes doen, we zullen je nooit vergeten. Voor altijd in ons hart 💖

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